Automated Utility Bill Management

Manually extracting and tracking data in Excel spreadsheets is a thing of the past. WatchWire’s automated utility bill management gives you more time to focus on your sustainability action plan.

Businesses today need to contribute to  a more sustainable future for our planet.

Attain understands this is business critical and essential to have initiatives such as reducing carbon emissions to align with net-zero targets, improving sustainability reporting and transparency, and preparing for and mitigating the impacts of climate change.

Tango WatchWire

Enterprise sustainability and energy data management is simplified with Tango WatchWire. Monitor energy consumption remotely with access to real-time analytics along with  utility auditing, and budgeting to keep costs down and remain compliant with environmental regulations. Our goal is to help your enterprise meet its sustainability goals.

Real-time and detailed utility insights

Save more time with less effort on spreadsheets

Analyse utility data against business KPIs

Tango WatchWire Features

Automated Invoicing

Avoid the hassle of manually managing invoices with an automated invoice collection feature that gathers utility invoices with details like each line item and categorization into their respective component buckets.

Utility Auditing

On-time utility auditing to avoid increased bills by alerting concerned departments about anomalies, if any.

Accounts Payable Integration

Don’t take the hassle of utility bill payments as WatchWire can be easily integrated with your accounts payable software, resulting in on-time and accurate bill payments.


WatchWire offers over 30 standard reports, allowing business owners to generate reports based on various parameters, such as line items with the aim of finding energy consumption/demand/cost trends, weather impact, etc.

Measurement & Verification

WatchWire comes with an advanced measurement and verification module that will give you a detailed line item component breakdown. This gives you the true marginal cost saving, not just simple average unit cost.


Manage your budgets well with WatchWire’s specific “Budgeting” feature that generates budgets for electricity, steam, natural gas, and water. The budget is prepared according to various parameters like historical invoice data, combined with weather, occupancy, and more.

Measurement & Verification

WatchWire not only tracks energy conservation measures, it will give you detailed and reliable data by measuring and verifying energy conservation measures and efficiency projects according to IPMVP and ASHRAE Guideline 14-2014. Learn more!

Measurement & Verification

Budgeting & Forecasting

WatchWire gives you a detailed budget for different utilities like electricity, steam, natural gas, and water according to the historical invoice data, combined with various independent variables for better and more accurate results.

Budgeting & Forecasting

Helpful Resources

Achieving Net Zero with Energy Data Management

In a recent article, we discussed how to determine if your company is ready to start working towards net zero emissions. We also discussed the ways companies can reach net zero. Now, we’d like to go more in-depth into one…

Read full post

Watchwire Solution Brief

Watchwire, Energy Watch's enterprise-grade energy management solution, offers a deeper level of analytics to meet today's energy management requirements. Through utility data management, utility budgeting creation, peak load management, sustainability reporting integrations, and more, Watchwire provides a single source of truth…

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What to Look For in an Energy Management Platform

An energy management platform should make energy data management and monitoring easier by offering your team advanced analytics, an intuitive user-friendly navigation, and insight into how to reach your energy management requirements and goals in 2020.  Download the exclusive report…

Read full resource

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